hello padmalcom. but when you did your win 32 appl, you had tha function add word. and the program would select from the list only, the most likely to be the word you said. or you were working with the full dictionary grammar?

It improves alot! i tell you why: istead of having


if the engine contains only the word this.. when you say that or the, it will output only this, because its the most likely word comparing the the grammar it contains.. So it will only recognize words you added.

So with t he current grammar, if i say give me that, it can output alot of variations, like:
did that, did me that, eve me at .. and this wont result in any useful command, so by restricting the grammar to the words give, me, that, and other, i can say that command and it will be 100% a match

On the api, there is a section, where you can load no grammar, and then add word , i think its add sequence pr something..

hum.. but if you think its too difficult.

But anyway , the win32 demo you had on your webpage, is full dictionary or the grammar are just the commands on the list? i seem to be restricted grammar to me..

Last edited by MMike; 04/12/09 09:24.