I think you're right in some points.

As I started creating this scene years ago I though its a nice idea to combine character creation and story introduction that way. However for most players it was too long and they don't play it through if they aren't really interested in the game plus it's story.

As well as I started making it I wanted to keep it close to console-style, but the turn over to the mouse in the status screen (there hase been a skill-screen once, too, but there are no skills any more since it is more adventure like now) annoyed me, too. =/

But I kinda dislike the mouse control. Dragonrise is a game about fighting, and (for me) fighting includes total control over my character and not clicking an enemy and watching both hitting each other one after another, waiting who'll win. Such a fighting system requires key input (see Secret of Mana, The Legend of Zelda or World of Warcraft), but it could have been in a bit more modern style with a not so isometric view for example.

Well if I had the models with proper animations, I'd love to make a completely new version in a more modern style an multiplayer mode but... I don't have them! laugh

Last edited by ShoreVietam; 04/14/09 17:09.

My project Schlacht um Kyoto - Das Samurai Browsergame! (sorry, german only)