just because WE cant create matter from energy doesnt mean it cant be done. it can be done. we are just not that far.
ever heard of that large cauldron thingy? the oen that destroyed our world last fall? mini big bang wink
its simple. before the big bang, there was energy. and it took a while but one day it collided and BANG. universe born.
its of course so much more compelx but those are the easies words.
how everything came to be is just a simple answer: physics.
things behave the way they do because its all connected back to when everything was created. it took alot of turns, coincidence and stuff but in the end it works the way it works because it works. if it wouldnt work, it wouldnt be the way it is. took gazillion years to be that way. trial and error.
there cant be a god, godlike being or whatsoever because of the simple fact that it wouldnt follow the laws of nature. energy, physics, chemic reactions.
a god like entity would stand above those things and that is not possible.
its liek time traveling. just not possible. in the end, nothing we do matters, for there is no bigger meaning to anything. so the only thing that matters is what we do. cuz there is nothing else.

oh and by the way:
creating matter from energy:
a sperm and an egg meet. create a few cells. those cells take the energy from the women it grows in to form more cells...

one can mindwipe people. implant them new memories. make them go crazy or forget who they are. create sleeper agents. completely new beings based on the templates of the brain.
if there is a soul, this wouldnt be possible. and if there is no soul, why would one belive in god if there is nothing left of you after you die?