@ ortucis
Yes you're right, I guess with some intense brain studies you're able to create a new system like the one of B&W or the likes. But I doubt the feeling would be the same. =P

Oh and to the "Ship Dungeon", this is actually the biggest building I ever created. It is the palace of the amazonian empire "Alcelen" covering 3 floors with a bunch of different rooms starting with stables and goods/weaponary halls at the ground floor up to party hall, religious rooms (some of them can be seen in the flashbacks), restrooms, offices and at the top the residence of the queen, her princess and the high priestress. All in all it covers a ground size of 16.000 square meters and the upper floors and all the stuff in those floors gets dynamically blened out when you move to a lower floor or blended in when you move back upwards. For example the weaponary room is on the lowest floor and you can look into it as you can when talking to the high priestress on the roof top. smile

@ frazzle

That's really nice to hear, it is alwasy a pleasure if someone likes the whole package since I know there'll always be different oppinions, too. ^^

I think I continued the overall dark/depressing style once mentioned, but I think I pushed it up every now and then. for example the cute fire foxes or the (hopefully) funny signs in death maze.

Well I got this really huge file called "translation.wdl" where all strings are being set to the text of the choosen language (Man in future times I'll just stick to english, what a bunch of work! xD ) and while testing I must have skipped through the texts and dialogues hundrets of times, thus I feared to have misses a "second" to "third" change somewhere or in at least one language! laugh

Thanks and good night for today!

My project Schlacht um Kyoto - Das Samurai Browsergame! (sorry, german only)