Not a very good subject but let me try to describe what I'm doing. My current process in the Aakrana project is to stress test the A6 rendering engine and so far it's holding up exceptionally well. Using LoD and prebuilt entities I've got a sustained FPS of 40-50 viewing pretty much the entire level up to 10,000 quants. I'm impressed.

Now what I'm looking to do is integrate a fog system for effects to smooth out the clip range but I am having difficulty doing this with the current sky setup. Using a background colour for the map and a skycube the fog works but the sky is visible through the hog to the horizon and just looks gibbled.

What I am trying to achieve is being able to see the Sky above you and say out to maybe 45 or 40 degrees from you but then the fog layers over top of it out to the max clip distance at which point it's jsut the fog and no sky should be visable. This would make a nice clipping effect and clean up the appearance of the world for me a lot. Anyone want to dial me in on this? =)

What I am attempting to achieve (I think) is a single plane sky "ceiling" to my level box that I can add motion and clouds to (Using a layered TGA) and change from blue to black (with stars and planets) as the day progresses. The Skins and time stuff I can workout but getting the fog implementation right is something thats been pestering me for a good week now. (I havent really been focussed on it but I need to get this done now.)

Thank you in advance folks. I hope I was at least a little clear. Ask any questions =)


Mark McFear Aakrana: The Forgotten Lands "It's your world now!"