-why would a god that transcends a physical existance follow the laws of physics?
you look from your perspective and from truths we gauge within the physical realm, how do you not know there is a non-physical god applying within a broader set of truths?
if there could be a multiverse 'sea of bubbles' outside our universe, perhaps there could be a further 'sea', and god resides there, maybe even with a lot of other 'stuff' or beings

A: because it would make the laws of phyics, chemicals and such irrelevant. also, the same question for you: how do you know that there isnt a god, a multiverse or anything? the answer si always the same, we dont know. but we don know the laws of our universe. and those laws state that there cant be a god, for if there is, the whole laws would be for, as we in austria say, for the fish...

-how is time travel not possible?
not that that is so important to this discussion.

A. because thats a paradox. time is relevant to the space you live in. you cant travel to the past, because there is no past. its always now. time traveling woudl only be possible if you are able to travel through the dimensions where time flows differently. and then, you could only travel into the future, but never into the past.

-perhaps the main characteristics of a person to do with their mind, isn't the same as a 'soul'. so a person who develops as a character their whole life, is then mindwiped, and is completely changed from our perspectives - that is only their way of behaving and characteristics that changes, but it is not someone else. so i guess, a person is more than a leaf, even if we can't measure for where a soul 'resides'

A: thing is, theoretically, if there is a soul, and you mindfry somebody, this person dies and the soul goes to heaven. and if you create anotehr persona, does this one have a new soul?
not gonna happen. the pure essence of yourself is your soul. according to most religions, you, your conciusness, your equalation to good and evil, thats what you are, what dfines you, is your soul.
but all that is just the product of our surrondings. take a baby from, say, iran. its parents are hardcore muslims. if you take this soul thingy, then the baby is muslim too. so what happens if you take the kid and raise it in, say, america, with american ideals, captialism ect... do you think this kid will be anything else than american?
or the otehr way. take an american baby, who has christian parents, a whle bloodline of christians. does this give the kid a christian soul? if you rais it in kabul for example with muslim ideals, the kid will be musil, think and act like a muslim. if there is a soul, this would not work.

if there is a god/gods, wich one is the right one? also, what happens to all those who have the wrong god and dont know, those who die too young to eve know whats up?

do you belive in god? and if so, dont you think its kinda sad to belive in a being that controls us? do you want to be controled? slave moral, nietzsche woudl say. are you too weak to be your own master? or are you afraid of whats to come? are you afraid that everything you do is useless, a waste?
let me tell you something: in the end, we all die. everyone
no matter who or what, everything dies. a million years ago, there were a few thousand humans. now, there are a few billion. where did all those humans come from? did god just put a new soul into each and all of them? when is this going to end?
there is no god. you can belive it or not. does not matter. nothing matters. nothing matters ever. because you are your own master. if you want to belvie in god, you just lessen the impact of all the responsibility you have. and that tells alot about you, doesnt it?