Hello all,

I'd like to present..


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I made this game for the Spring Contest, but I'm really happy with the way it turned out.. Once you spend the 4-5 minutes to get the hang of it, it's really a blast to go on multiplayer wars with your buddies..

The Object of this game is to wipe out the other players' ATOMS by causing a chain reaction.
To do this you overload a square.
Corner squares overload with 2 ATOMS
Side Squares With 3 ATOMS
Middle Squares with 4 ATOMS
When a player's ATOMS are wiped out that player is out of the game.

Get it from here: Atoms v1.0 (2.2mb)

I'm only asking that you read the instructions carefully and go through a whole match with the AI before you close it. But the real fun is playing with 3 other human opponents multiplayer, so if you enjoyed the game, sign up here to get on the Atoms Tournament! A server will be online all week and we will be condacting games from Monday to Saturday, and the four finalists will compete for the first 3 prizes on Sunday 26th April. The Prizes will be:

1st Prize: Choose Between: 30 Euro OR 1 copy of Intense X Copper, OR 1 upgrade to Intense X Silver and 20 Euro.

2nd Prize: Choose Between: 10 Euro OR 1 upgrade to Intense X Silver.

3rd Prize: Choose Between: 5 Euro OR 1 Copper Model Pack.

For more info on the contest, click here.

Also, if you enjoyed Atoms, vote for me on the Conitec Spring Contest here. Thank you!!


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