The question I always ask a believer in god when he explains that his god is outside the realm of science, is undetectable and basically invisible to everyone I ask what is the difference between a god that is undetectable, invisible and outside the realm of reality and no god at all and I haven't got an answer that doesn't start with the magic words ”I believe ...”.

When it comes to religion there are much larger claims because they are founded on the idea that god rules and interferes in human affairs in this reality and that is clearly something that can be examined by science. As many psychologist have shown the human mind is very susceptible to hallucinations and wish thinking which finally has something to do with our large brains. There is only one objective base and these are the facts supported by evidence what you believe maybe provides comfort but is not supported by evidence.

And these are the facts supported by a large amount of evidence:
We are evolved apes .
The earth is 4 billion years old.
95 percent of all the species that have ever lived on this planet are gone extinct.
The Andromeda galaxy is heading toward our galaxy at a rapid amount of speed.
The universe is 4 billion years old and not yet have we found any support for the god created the universe story.
Also the universal constants that some people claim to be proof of gods existence are not proof at all we have to be in the universe that supports life otherwise we wouldn't have discussions like these.

Morality is clearly a product of evolution a long time ago we lived in small groups and their advantage was that they worked together and helped each other to not get eaten by all kinds of predators.

And finally the afterlife when I have done social service in Germany I meet a lot of people with Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson and their brain were so much damaged that they saw the world completely different and even forgot about their family and loved ones ,now imagine what happens if your brain dead.

To sum it all up there is no reason to believe in a god in this universe and if you do believe thats ok as long as you are not imposing it on others or you called it based on facts. When you are religious thats another story because you are indirectly imposing it on others just read your holy book what happens to the unbelievers.