Well actually I don't believe I go with the facts, whats important is not what sounds plausible but what is supported by hard facts. You seem to invent a lot of things to backup an approach of magic and superstition, show me a science study of respected scientist that came to the conclusion that there is a soul. Why are you making such a claim because its seems to appeal to you but your argument has simply no foundation.

I never talked about the absolute truth, but all religions do, they claim they already know after you read the bible, quran you don't need any further explanation. This is the definition of a totalitarian system which is highly immoral and a good example of what such believes can lead society.

I ask again what is the difference between a god that is undetectable, invisible ,outside the realm of reality and no god at all ?

personally i think, if there is no god then there is no responsibility, there is only 'chance' and chaos, what randomness we make of it, and no absolute truth, morals, or reason for anything. t

Well first of all the universe is the exact opposite of chance there are process at work like natural selection which have nothing to do with chance, so why are you making such a claim ?

So far there is no evidence to suggest that the universe was designed. You can believe what ever you want but if that believe claims that there is a celestial dictator (god) than it is highly immoral. And we all know what happens if people who believe that are in charge Iran, North Korea …

Also philosophy can be chilly shally a pure philosophic approach is no evidence actually most philosophers try the leave a creator out of the game.