It has been a long, long time since I have used GameStudio and when I did use it, I was creating all my levels within WED itself or within 3D Studio MAX using an old script that would export out to WMP for WED. GameStudio has apparently advanced a lot and now allows for actual polygonal geometry to be used for levels by importing an FBX file. Great! However, my tests thus far have all been utter failures.

Here's the simple question (followed by more details of what I am looking for):

How does one successfully import an FBX file into WED for use as a level?

Ultimately, here is what I want to be able to do:

- Create the entire level in another 3D modeling application
- Create two UV maps for each part: One for the texture and one for the light map
- Texture the level (UV map 1) and render a light map (UV map 2)
- Export the entire level as a single FBX file
- Bring it into WED for use as a level

I did a simple test by creating a simple cube, UV mapping it and applying one texture (no second UV map and no light map). I then exported it as an FBX file (2006 version of FBX). Then I imported it into WED using WED's Import Level from FBX (2006). The geometry imports, but the texture is not brought in! What do I have to do to get the texture in with the geometry? I tried to bring the texture in separately and applying it to the cube in WED, but then it appears that the UV information is lost.

As a test, I imported the same cube into MED. The geometry is there but, once again, no texture. When I access the Skin Editor I can see that the UV map is preserved, but there is no texture and the option to import a texture is grayed out.

If someone can give me a set of step-by-step instructions for getting an FBX file successfully into WED for use as a level (textures and all), then I would be most appreciative.

Thank you.

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