Originally Posted By: AlbertoT
The truth is that you must stick to the hard facts whereever they lead you to
Or you should rely on your 'faith' and resist attempting to justify it with pseudo-science.
And what if you have an hypothesis, but no facts to support it? Is it false because you have no evidence?

"People of Faith" are by their nature "believers".
"People of Science" are by their nature "understanders".
You will never make a "believer" understand, unless he already believes.
You will never make an "understander" believe, unless he can understand.
Belief requires faith, and understanding requires logic and/or facts.
So I dont "believe" that these two type of perception will ever come to an "understanding".

Originally Posted By: Jazuar_
personally i think, if there is no god then there is no responsibility ...
there is only 'chance' and chaos, what randomness we make of it, and no absolute truth, morals, or reason for anything. ....
those who try to explain morality or any of that without a god will struggle to.
I dont see any justification for this sentiment at all.
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" - probably from the bible I think.
I think this is an excellent moral, whether there is or isnt a god. Why MUST god exist to this moral to be good?
Unless morals are just rules you are scared of breaking, or god will punish you eventually.
I do not believe this is what morals are, its just how the "church" tries to use them.
Morals are SELF-imposed rules to strive TOWARDS tomake ourselves better than animals.

Originally Posted By: sebcrea
I ask again what is the difference between a god that is undetectable, invisible ,outside the realm of reality and no god at all ?
"Undetectable" means we have not YET designed a tool to see him with. Bacteria was still a killer before microscopes.
"Invisible" only means we cannot SEE him. You cant see wind, but it can still blow your house down.
"Outside the realm of reality" is too ambiguous to work with. Has different meanings to different people.
"No god at all" would be different because ... err ... ummm ... just different OK! Use your imagination. laugh

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