I've been using GS for a few weeks now,
and I've had nothing but problems (A7 Extra).
I'm in my second year of a hnd and were doing a game
development project. I've purchased the Extra version, and
so far all of my efforts have resulted in crashes and errors,
as well a huge compile times for relatively small areas, (even using the default settings). I'm trying to create a FPS in medium sized world, with sky above, some of it covered. Is there not a template I can use just to get a basic setup that will run smoothly, I honestly don't know what to do and time is running out for this project. I would be grateful if someone could give me some basic steps to help me create a world that I can 'fill in' with my own models and buildings etc. I've built maps before for Command and conquer quake, and other games but this software seems to be incredibly buggy...any help appreciated, thanks, DaveM