It's not the same, that's what I'm trying to say. Lol, stubborn? :P

Sure you can call them whatever you want, but a company that technically did not exist for many years in between can't rightfully be credited for 'still being around, still going strong'.

It's like saying Atari did a great job still existing, happily ignoring it has been gone for like 3 times or so.

It is the same company. Just think about the word resurrected and its meaning. It is the re-birth of the same company.

If it were the same company it would have been bankrupt just like 3DRealms. But it's not the same company. The term 'resurrected' was coined by the new founders themselves and what it really means is that Apogee as a name got resurrected.

Until a few days ago 3DRealms and Apogee co-existed. Can't call it the same company then now can you? :P

This Apogee really isn't quite the same as Apogee/3DRealms from the old days. In fact, their focus on handhelds and mobile phones is proof enough for that.

PHeMoX, Innervision Software (c) 1995-2008

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