I have been around gstudio for a while but I have never cared about programming seriously until recently. Mostly I have in the past been more of a script kiddie/artist.

SO ANYWAY now that I am getting interested in programming I have my first code contribution ever, it is the basic Craig Reynolds steering behaviors and a flocking demo based on those behaviors. But I have some questions about it before I release it.

***#1 PLEASE bear in mind that it will be a free contribution, I am not expecting any money or other favors for it.***

Question 1: Though the code is not finished, it has basic functionality. There are many true physics formulas I would need to add and many optimizations needed before I could ever call it finished, but it in its present state it works. Should I wait until it is more perfected, or should I just release it as it is with the idea that it is free after all, and people can adapt it how they want.

Question 2: Question 2 depends on question 1. If I decide to release it as it is(finished but not perfected and optimized), should I release a very thorough documentation with it so that anyone can easily understand it? (Costing me many hours of writing)

My theory is that if I document it very very well then I will never have to support it by answering people's questions because I have written so much documentation that noone could have any questions. laugh

The problem with so much documentation is that it is a long long time to make such thorough notes, and it would be easier just to make thorough commented code.

Question 3: Is just for fun.

I hope you guys will think about giving answers which most resemble what course of action YOU would take, not trying to add any other factors in. What I mean by factors are if you need flocking and want me to hurry up, or you would never need flocking and dont care if it ever gets out. Pretend like this is just generic code without those factors and how you would do things.

Whatever you say I'm looking forward to any discussion/comments you might have.


Release it
single choice
Votes accepted starting: 05/09/09 23:44
Document it
single choice
Votes accepted starting: 05/09/09 23:46
Give it to aknex resources
single choice
Votes accepted starting: 05/09/09 23:48