Originally Posted By: Machinery_Frank
Originally Posted By: PHeMoX
Nope, it's not. Unless Apogee will continue development of DNF for the PC platform, it seems to have an entirely different focus. Consoles and mobile phones for crying out loud... :P


No. I explain it again:

They developed 2d action games for a growing market, the first shareware games for pc. And now they make the same games for mobile platforms. It fits perfectly to their experience and their vision, it will be a similar gaming experience and they can use their knowledge and development experiences.

They made the Duke 2d games and now they make it again. It is perfectly the same focus, the same vision.

Other comapanies changed their focus from pc to consoles and mobiles as well and do not come up with a new name and a new company.

You couldn't have been more contradicting there. They actually did exactly that, change their focus from a PC market to consoles and mobile phones. That's a significant change for a company that has largely been known for their PC platform action games.

Making 2D games has never been a real focus point in that early period anyways. There practically were no 3D games! In fact, their main focus has always been platformer action games. And you are ignoring the fact that in the Duke Nukem Trilogy there will be Duke Nukem 3D as well.. which is actually part 3 in the series.

Just because they release some of their older games (some of which are actually 3DRealms titles), doesn't mean their focus is now 2D remakes.

Anyways, I am growing tired of this, you're just wrong and I'll leave it at that.

PHeMoX, Innervision Software (c) 1995-2008

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