Phemox, an absolute statement like "You are just wrong, I'll leave it at that" is not only ignorant but arrogant as well (the statement, not you as a person wink ) it is also an emotional exaggeration like women often do. The reason is:

If we are really honest and not such anti-guys then we would easily see, that the truth lies something in between, here are the facts:

pro (same company):
- same name
- same people behind it
- same duke platformer games
- they call it "resurrection"

- there was a break
- there is a transition

I have no problems with breaks. Transitions are a natural process. I already mentioned that many companies changed their focus to other platforms, most big publishers are releasing now on consoles without changing their names. It is not needed. There is no law to change your company name if you change your business focus.

Besides that you created a constructed personal and subjective logic. I think most of us tolerate and accept it, since it is your personal meaning.

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