Hi, been doing a project for a member here and thught it might be a good idea to finish off a mates project at the same time.

While AUM has many good example projects and George is unflinching in his help to noobs like me theres still room for more user type examples or a system to plug in and run with a ready made script base to create such samples.

So I took up my mates project in the interim and am compiling a series of AUM based templates.

The first is 3rd person as discribed in User Contributions and is coming along nicely.

I think there are enough examples in AUM to satisfy all gendres typical here but none for machinema unless you took the cut scenes as machinema smile

I ve got screens coming up of some aspects of the demo level being built and will use the code base on that after I have completed the members project level.

To follow
1st person
RPG including asset creation and use

Converting my mates old A6 demos to lite-c (turn based tank scene with deformable terrains, Another with basic AI, both good for example levels.

The thought is to complete, test thru the forums then upload to AUM.

If you have ideas for Template systems I would be very interested in them.

The purpose is to make available to new users a versatile collection of current and up to date demo scenes, examples and simulations using only AUM based resources.

I am also hopiing to standadise open source user scripting format to enable ease of referencing and debugging.

Use the 'manual' Luke, the manual is your friend. 'Self reminder' smile

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