There's a real difference though, but actually I'm getting tired of explaining. It's got little to do with arrogance, because if two sources say something radically different, obviously both can't be right.

A simple deduction and especially comparison of sources makes it clear as a daisy to me that some people on fan pages, as always happens on such pages, speculate like crazy with no real good reason.

I never said everything on fan pages is nonsense either. So really, it's a bit unfair to act as if I said that.
Also what's up with the 'my thread' kind of business anyways, last time I checked this is not your forum. It's really kind of immature to even mention that you've started this thread, which is perfectly fine with me by the way. Keep posting nice threads. Again, I don't have issues with you, but you keep getting frustrated about my comments for some strange reason.

It is funny that you call a lot of other postings nonsense but then a lot of your posts start with "I think...", "I am quite sure...", "I'd be.."

But what's wrong with that? It's common language to indicate the kind of expected certainty about what is being said. By all means, contrary to many people on those fan pages, I don't actually make up rumors and claim it's the absolute truth.


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