I just downloaded the demo.

I'd say it's a pretty fun game. I intended to only play for a few minutes to get a feel for it, but ended up not stopping till I got all the animals

The graphics could be better, but the gameplay is what counts in the end, and like I said, the game IS fun.

If I could give some detailed criticisms:

1. The textures do need work. There's no shortage of seamless textures on the net, both free and commercial, so this shouldn't be too hard to fix for a future release.

2. The ark is very well designed, but it needs some lights!

3. Lose the prefabs that don't belong in the ark. A computer?? I was kinda thrown off by that.

4. When Noah runs, he looks like The Flash. It's way too fast, although I did have some fun dashing from one end of the level to another

5. Some of the animals look too small. The giraffe and the elephant could both stand to be much bigger.

Overall, though, I think it's a great effort, and I can certainly see kids enjoying it a lot. Cheers!