Ok, well I've made each track a separate entity, they are passable, and will stay with the model properly. The toggle_engine function doesn't like me anymore, since I've added new things. Before, it was really tricky to turn engine on/off, and I had to hit the button multiple times. Now it cranks, but once again, won't stop.

I just moved on, and I'll try to fix that later. I made a while(engine_state ==1) loop in the tanks action, and have successfully tuned the sound when I press the buttons.

But here's an odd problem. I was trying to use the dozer demo as reference for how to animate my tracks' skins. Then I discovered, I can't even run the dozer demo if I hit "test run". It won't compile. I wonder if this is because the author used a newer version of A7 than I? His .exe works fine, but the code crashes in SED for me. And, you guessed it, it crashes due to the coding to animate the tracks! frown What could be the cause of this?

But now, I don't know where to go about animating the tracks' skins... I guess I'll try a few things, and I hope to hear from you guys again soon.