The dozer demo won't compile. Sorry, don't know why I said "crashes" the second time.

" Error in Main line 142: 'u': is not a member of 'Entity' "

And that's where the coding for the little dozer's track animations go. However the dozer demo's .exe form works perfectly. That indicates to me my engine doesn't have something his does.

For my project, I tried a function like the one under the topic "vec_for_uv" in the manual. THAT made MY game crash. I usually need to see a good example of something to learn and understand it, and the example for this in the manual leaves me with nothing but questions. Trying to do a function like the one in the manual makes the compilation fail, due to the parameters in (). Without them, it compiles, but crashes when I try to run the function. And I don't understand why, because I've never seen this actually work, lol.

P.S.- I know why that first code I posted didn't work. Below I even said that it switched the sound on and off so fast it appeared nothing happened. It was just an example. The problem with the new code is that it no longer works if I add anything else to the program, and I just had to move on. At first, it worked... but only partially. It would switch on/off, but sometimes wouldn't. I had to wait several seconds between keypressed, and occassionally that wouldn't even work. Now it just doesn't shut off at all... again...