Hi Ran,

I finally got around to downloading the demo and I would like to offer some comments. Before getting into the criticisms, I would like to say that I think it is totally awesome that you completed a game. This is something very few accomplish. While I create game components and level design for training simulations and archaeological recreations, I do not have a game of my own under my belt. So, big time congrats are in order here!

Having said that, let's take a look at the game itself:


Some have complained about the 640 x 480 screen resolution limitation and, frankly, it did not bother me at all. So I personally have no problems with that .


Well, this is what I do for a living, so I will probably have the most to comment on here.

The textures, imo, really need to be re-done all over the place. The wood textures don't really look like wood to me. They don't look cartoony or real. They sort of look thrown on as if to say, "I know there needs to be textures here so I will just use these." It's not just the problem with tiling (lack of or obvious tiling) but the choice of textures itself. Some just don't look like they belong together. I decent job of retexturing the arc would go a long, long way to improving the entire atmosphere of the game.

The level design itself leaves quite a bit to be desired. While I realize that this is a kids game, I didn't get the impression that I was on an arc (a large wooden boat). I am not sure what the level reminds me of, but it does not look like an arc.

The models are OK. They are nothing spectacular. I liked Noah, but he could have been skinned a bit better. Most of the models seemed to have smearing on the skin along seams and it was pretty obvious. A little more work on the skin and on the UV map could easily fix this. The skins seemed to be really lacking in detail ... details that I think the children would really enjoy.

Over all, I think the graphics are OK, but it seems like Noah's adventure is stuck between cartoon world and reality. I think you should have chosen a direction and gone all the way. In other words, either Noah, the arc and the animals should be very realistic or very obviously cartoon-like. As it stands (IMHO) they are somewhere in-between.


It is hard to judge gameplay with only one game to play. As far as hide and seek goes, it is OK. The only thing I would want is a reason to find the animals. Why am I looking for them? They are on the arc so they can't really get lost. Even kids like a reason for what they do. Have you ever played any of the Freddi Fish (sp?) games? You might want to play a few to see how they work.

Side notes

Ham, Shem and Japheth looked like children to me as I encountered them in the arc. In the biblical account the children of Noah are full grown adults with wives of their own. This is how we get eight adults on the arc: Noah, Noah's wife, Ham, Shem, Japheth and their wives.

The voices are fun, but "God" sounds a little strange at times (at least to me).

I liked the voices at the menu .

I hope you don't mind the comments. I enjoyed playing the demo and look forward to what else you come up with as well as revisions to Noah's Adventure!

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