@ Wade Adams

Just out of curiousity how did you come by your version number?

Easy... I just renamed the version according to my favorite numbers, which are 3 and 7.

Like Marco always said, It's that ole Hebrew mysticism working again . Hehe, lol

As far as a cartoony Noah game is concerned, Arturo is making one right now at the link below:

Arturo won 2nd prize in a conitec contest here for his game called "Prayer warriors." I'm not sure if that game was ever finished, however?

@ Nardulus
Yeah a food game. I already have a lot of animal and food models...

@ Dan
Hey brother, I've been trying for 2 years to motivate you to help out on this thing. Should I have offered more money? You are one of the best graphic artists around for sure... The movie turned out pretty good in the end. It's kinda funny how it's shown, with that elephant blastin the tree down trying to get into the Ark. lol

Those crazy creatures...

Cougar Interactive
