Thank you again, Tobias.

I'm trying to keep this program relatively small and simple. I'm basically trying to learn how to do these things which I'll need to do in the real game. I'm just about to fix the toggle_engine() function in a minute. But I agree, simply overlooking a problem and ignoring it is never good. All I did was re-do the Panzer and its tracks as separate entities, and the Panzer now creates its tracks when it "spawns" in to the level. I also fixed the skins, which had a funny alpha property that made them semi-transparent. Oh, and I need to find a way to dim the lighting on the terrain. I've got a few different terrains for this project. The one I call "Das Sandbox" is just a 5km X 5km desert terrain for testing vehicles, weapons, and other things. The "real" terrain is several hundreds of km in size, and covers the better portion of Libya (and yes, it's extremely accurate... I made it with space shuttle radar mapping). laugh I've got excellent high-res textures for them, but they appear far too bright under the sun.

But anyway, what do you feel would be the best way of going about animating the track skins? As far as placement, should they go in the tracks' actions, in the Panzer's action, or maybe in main()? I want them to precisely follow the movement of the tank, on time. They've also got to move differentially, for turning the tank, going in reverse, and "spinning" the hull. The Panzer IV G could *almost* turn in place, but it did have to move a little bit forward or backward. It couldn't turn on a dime like a modern American M1 Abrams or German Leopard II, lol.

And one offtopic question if anyone knows:

Is the Lite-C language capable of making a truly realistic and convincing flight model for aircraft, or should one stick to C++ or Java for that sort of thing?

Last edited by Jaeger; 05/18/09 22:39.