
King David did not think it good when Goliath laughed and mocked Gods work in Israel right??? David got a little upset with him?

Two mistakes with that one:

1 - You would follow the path of David over that of Jesus? David committed adultry and was a murderer (Uriah, the wife of Bethshebah).

2 - David did not mock Goliath in return. He simply stated that the facts and that he came in the name of the God of Israel. There was no reviling in return on the part of David.

Lose the pride and the desire to be a fighter.


One more thing:

David got upset when the God of Israel was mocked. This is quite a bit different than when you or your game is mocked. Are you on par with God (and I know you don't think so)? Then don't be offended and don't retaliate. If Jesus did not then why should you?

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