I should also mention that to my knowledge there is no pure rigid body car simulation out there. When you want high speed you will have to cheat.

The upcoming racing game Xpand Rally
uses almost the same physics system as A6, yet for the wheels they do their own calculations. In an e-mail from the lead developer:

We used 4 spheres to simulate wheels but I fixed wheels angular speed to
zero and let car to slip over terrain by make friction coeff low.
Then I have a car which slips over whole map like a sledge - I dont worry
about collision. Then I can manage friction, speed, slide of tyres, etc. by applying forces to wheels or to car body.

I think you can get away with rigid body physics for low speeds - up to 15 kmh/mph but after that should cheat as described above.


Last edited by Marco_Grubert; 04/30/04 05:24.