1 chassis and 4 wheels. Things are progressing very well, I hope to have it completed in a few days. It takes alot of time to fine tune things, since I currently have the mass and friction set at 0 and my mass's set at 5. So far, I am done the limiters for speed and turning, and a extra limiter for turning while stopped and not accelerating. I have finished the force friction while not accelerating. Right now I am working on, and am almost done, the friction equation I developed that takes place while accelerating. The vehicle code needs this or else when you are turning, the vehicle will slide to the right or left even though your forces should be pushing it ahead. I'll do up the brakes and reverse components tonight, that shouldn't take to long. In the end I'll have a completly force driven vehicle script which can be easily modified for all types of vehicle use, such as rally cars, trucks, cars, karts ect...

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