I am sorry that I never replied here earlier(I was waiting for Marco to confirm he would release his script to the public). As most know, I had come up with a couple scripts for high speed vehicle code. I was having alot of trouble implementing highspeed turning, and could not figure out a "fix" for my code to make it work. Since then I've seen a small video of Marcos code in action and I must say it is absolutly great, and very promising! So promising that I quit work on trying to find a "fix" for my code and began working on other much needed features in my own project(since I am now planning to use Marcos vehicle code when he releases it).
Sorry for any confusion I caused. I would advise everyone who wants a clean working high speed vehicle script to wait until Marco releases his. Since once the update is released, my current implementation will not work right due to the changes in things such as force calculation.

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