I've been going through the tutorial that was linked to (awesome, and informative, btw :]), and in part five, it tells you to open up "script05_2.c" -
We have to define a variable and a window - use the code from script05_2.c:

which is not in the "workshop_5" folder where it was supposed to be. I re-downloaded the "litec_example" package from the tutorial, and from this site, and it's not there either. Long and short of it, it is missing, and I was wondering if anyone has it, since I'd like to do this tutorial without missing anything important.

Thank you~

EDIT: Also, in Sketch up, the only thing it lets me export it as is a kmz file.

Last edited by Anthus; 05/29/09 21:05.


-= No Sig Yet smirk =-