Theres also a Remake of the original coming, right? There 'ya go. The hair of guybrush is ridiculous, and I don't know if I like that. laugh


The hero has bad shading, too much specularity, simple textures. Environment is very simple. Lighting looks flat.
Probably this is because it is made for Wiiware and PC is only a port.

Apart from the somewhat weird lighting, I don't really mind that style. Plus, for me Monkey Island is more about the writing anyway, and Telltale just might be able to pull this off smile

Not so sure if the limitations are really due to the file-size-limitation of Wiiware (which is what you're getting at? Technically, the Wii should be able to allow other styles as well), since this is not too far off of the style they used in the latter games. And at least in the third game, I didn't mind it. The weird 3D-look in the fourth I could have done without, though.


Also: there is one bigger zoomed-in picture of Guybrush, I think in MI-1
where they tried to make him look very realistic

This is a quote by Ron Gilbert, where he comments on the original Monkey Island - a very interesting read, but full of spoilers, obviously.

I was always bothered by these close-ups. While they were great art, I never felt they matched the style of the rest of the game. Not sure how I feel about them 20 years later.

Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

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