Can some one extend some help onthis task plsss..
its been a huge task for me.. Below are the required tasks.

Main Task
For this lab assessment you will need to use the A7 SDK to implement the features listed below.
You may use the resources provided, alternatively you can find or create your own.
· Implement a program with a free roaming camera. Create a skybox entity, a terrain entity
and a number of model entities (you may use the files that are provided: blood_gorge+6.tga,
small_terrain.hmp, earth.mdl, blob.mdl and wall.mdl) and place them somewhere in the
environment. (1 mark)
· Create 5 different particle effects using the engine’s particle system. Your particle systems
should be triggered using keyboard input (e.g. when the user presses a key one pattern is
generated, etc.) (3 marks)
Some patterns that must be implemented:
o Explosion where each particle has a random colour
o ‘Particles within particles’ effect (e.g. particles from the big explosion should have
smaller explosions when they reach the end of their lifespan)
o Shoot a particle and generate a particle ‘tail’
· Use the particle system to create snow weather effects. The user should be able to turn the
snow on and off. (1 mark)
Advanced Task
· The user should be able to control the wind direction and intensity and also be able to adjust
density of the snow particles. When this weather effect is active make sure the sun is turned
off. Also, have the sun rotate around the azimuth (i.e. the sun’s pan). The user should be
able to start and stop the sun’s movement. (1 marks)
HINT: There are some predefined engine variables which control the sun’s parameters.