So, I'm going to register lite-c tomorrow. I have three main questions before I do, however.

1) Will WED open? I have the free version, and it came with WED, but it simply won't open. MED opens, but I can't do anything at all with it. Is this because it is the free version, and will both programs be "unlocked" if I buy lite-c?

2) Just with lite-c, and the editors with it, could I make a top view, yet 3D turn based RPG? Also, could I go a game best comparable to Zelda: Link to the Past? (Top down view, action based, etc.) Basically, I wanna know if I can make a game without paying 900 dollars for the pro version of GS. From what I understand Gamestudio only adds some templates, and a physics engine, right? Everything else is done in MED/ SED/ WED? which all come in lite-c.

3) Can I commercially distribute things I make with the registered version of lite-c?

Thank you.


-= No Sig Yet smirk =-