ok, i started over and checked the program as i went. It only messes up once i put in the TEXT. here are the definitions and the text code.

STRING* main_str = "MAIN GAME";
STRING* cred_str = "CREDITS";
STRING* exit_str = "EXIT";
FONT* header_font = "reprise title#50b";
FONT* options_font = "reprise stamp#10b";

TEXT* main_txt =
pos_x = 30;
pos_y = 100;
font = options_font;
string = main_str;
flags = SHOW;

EDIT: Ok, i just found out that when i take the * away from the TEXT, everything shows back up again accept for the text. I dont know if that normally happens, but i thought anything could make a difference.

Last edited by gamingfan101; 06/26/09 06:06.

Sorry, im new. I have a tendency to ask really simple questions, so please be patient.