actually i was not serious at all...
i was amazed how many disrespectful and idiotic coments came from some members here.
as if my girlsriends musical taste has anything to do with the reason i dislike kids, or if my political ideals have anything to do with this.
i found the replies of some of you rather amusing (like the one that diagnosed a "my life sucks" attitude, wich was hilarious) to rude to pure idiocy.
it shows how far off you people are from the ideals of free speach and democracy, the right for an opinion and the freedom to state said opinion.
i agree with checkbutton in closing the thread, as it was never planned on starting a serious discussion anyway.
btw, i dont hate kids, i just dont like them either, because i am a choleric person and know this. people like me shouldt habe kids, but i at least know this. same thing cant be said for billions of otehr people. also, id never hit a child or a woman, and i havent hit somebody for years.

thing is, you people need to realize that there are people that dont share your opinion, and for that, you shouldnt hate them. in fact, you should think about their opinion to become a better person, not stay in your little nietzsche slave moral life...

oh and lostclimate, thanx for the support. good to see some sane people around here...

edit: and before some of you ask me for the umptenth time if i meant you: if you feel adressed, there surely is a reason for that. its pathetic, but true. if by a certain age you havent realized that the world is filled with idiots, there is a good reason for that...

Last edited by sPlKe; 07/01/09 00:16.