i had no problem with how low their opinion was, i was just amazed. how often do i need to tell you this. also, i still dont get what the lifestyle of my girlfriend had to do with the topic. that was not an opinion that was a downright insult. and excuse me for taking an insult serious...
True, that girlfriend comment was definitely insulting. Most of the comments, though, were not, and were undeserving of such descriptions as "idiocy", or "slave moral life".

This quote...
it shows how far off you people are from the ideals of free speach and democracy, the right for an opinion and the freedom to state said opinion.
... was either not thought out, or blatant hypocrisy. Free speech doesn't mean "What they say is okay", it just means "They can say it if they want". No one violated or rejected your free speech, but somewhere you got the idea that those people are far off from those ideals, and expressed it by doing exactly what they did (apart from an insulting post by alpha strike). "You people" is quite frankly an insult to the community who posted in that thread without being insulting.


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!