Originally Posted By: amy
Well, if it isn't for real (how can I tell?) then you for sure like to play with your "shaved head, aggressive attitude,..." image. So I am amazed that you are amazed about reactions like mine. smile

actually your reaction didnt amaze me at all. not anymore, i get that a lot, its okay :9
yeah, i play with my image, simply because image is everything. to people who dont know me, this sounds silly, i know that, but to people who know me understand it, like achaziel, who actually lives in my city (and yes, its MY city :p ) and meets me a few times per month.

also, i know my coments about free speech sounds like hypocrisy but, and thats the point i forgot, it again makes sense if you know me, for i always use blown up relations to prove a point.

its like, when i see three people fighting, i always tell teh story like this:

"was walking down the street. you know the way, alone through the city, its okay, like that. music on and stuff.
so i walk by this bar and there was this huge crowd. i first didnt care what was up but then some idiot flew by me, and i realized there were like 30 people fighting each other, it was a bloody massacre."

if you dont know me, youd say im a simple liar, but the way i talk, with my words, the sound of my voice, the face and everything, people realize that i just exaggerate. people see me and know i am telling a story that has something true in its core. im a story teller. i dont lie, i just make the stories visual. thats what i do. my image, outfit and everything helps me form the stories i tell. and people liek that. they smile, they laugh, they have a good time.

but one cant do this with just written words. at least i cant. im a bad writer. good story teller bad writer. happens. jeph loeb for example. i love ultimatum but the execution is flawed. (although spideys death was brilliant).

in the end, i dont want to make anyone mad. i liek to provike, i like to exaggerate, i like to simply be silly without any harm. some people dont understand that, and thats okay with me, for i dont understand some people aswell. i jsut smile at them, tell a huge story or some mind blowign argument that is blown out of proportion and hope that people understand the true core of the meaning.
and, as ive came tor ealize around here time and time again, they dont...
i probably should change something, but i couldnt care less about if you people like me or not, so i wont...

ps.: lets see if you understood that... probably not...

oh and ello:
i find your example joke funny wink

oh and edit:
im the worlds msot peaceful person. i dotn harm anyone. but, if i had a big red button, id sure as hell press it. i hate humans-.-

Last edited by sPlKe; 07/01/09 08:48.