On the debug panel i see, that there are 18 functions running
I press mouse, call HighlightAvaivablePath() function, then i call another function that consists of

void PlayerActivate()
for first to last node

So, player starts moving(i see 19 funtions), pass all path, function beeps and ends(probably), but there are still 19 functions on debug panel

In addition, when i select player again, i get "crash in HighlightAvaivablePath()" that called before PlayerActivate(), BUT if i place breakpoint before them and run it with F10, i see that it crashes at the first line of PlayerActivate()

How to debug this?

1st prize: Lite-C and Newton 2.17 by Vasilenko Vitaliy

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LiteC+Newton2 discussion: http://tinyurl.com/NewtonWrapperDiscussion
Latest LiteC+Newton2 version(v23, from 29.10.2009): http://depositfiles.com/files/ae1l0tpro