Originally Posted By: Machinery_Frank
Many girls love other girls and I understand them very well.

But indeed I remember from my time of school that girls kissed each other (during greeting and leave-taking), hold their hands and hugged each other a lot. So there is another intimacy right from the beginning.

What can we read between the lines? Nothing! We cannot get this. We are too much busy with our ego perspective. Just look at your responses wink !

Frank i do get it, i just needed confirmation of my thoughts on the whole Womens World scenario! Not Wayne's world!

Women have caused wars does troy ring any bells! etc....

80% of books sold are written by women "fact"

no wonder i hate them ....they want to be first for everything literally.

But the thing is there is one place they can never be first in and that was the garden of eden.

They absolutely hate that fact!