Originally Posted By: Machinery_Frank
Originally Posted By: LordMoggy
Women created the game and the rules so it makes perfect sense that they are the players men are just the spectators ...

Exactly. They have much more social experience and see our weaknesses instantly sometimes even only from our body talk and how we look. And they are searching for good quality not quantity of relationships. That is why we have to do like the birds: build a nest, get them gifts and promise to protect them forever.
And we have to behave like social intelligent people and not like social neanderthals what we actually are. Often women have to make a compromise since we are not perfect in their eyes. But as social beings they can live with imperfectness.

They want social Neanderthals they want the dominate alpha male. Yes they want us to build there nest and clean the shit after them. As for the gifts they dont want gifts its a sign of weakness. Give them the money or the freedom to get it themselves. Then you might be lucky and they will rape you constantly. They want perfection they have no time for mistakes of any kind or weakness in your suit of armour!!!!

As for protecting them dont get to close and smother them its also another sign of weakness!!!!

Intelligent who are they kidding, who does all the work??? thats right men do!!!!

Women just sit back relax and get sun tans. If they want something they just wink and the wuss comes running ....

As i said no more playing games with women for me. I have better things to do like have a real life!

Last edited by LordMoggy; 07/02/09 08:08.