Originally Posted By: Machinery_Frank
Originally Posted By: LordMoggy
Intelligent who are they kidding, who does all the work??? thats right men do!!!!

Women just sit back relax and get sun tans. If they want something they just wink and the wuss comes running ....

Yes, and this shows how intelligent they are. They let others do the work and they achieve this with several methods (including offering or refusing sex). It makes sense to optimize the quality of their lifes.

At the end I would not care too much about this. We cannot change it and we can only live our lifes. If we are successful in whatever we are doing and consequent in our moral then it will be sexy and they will like it.

I have no interest in changing them, they are the ones who want to change us and manipulate us into doing what they want.

I will continue to live my life, successful or not it makes no difference to me. And no woman will play a part in it.

As it has been said for eon's you come into this world alone and you go out the same way. Whatever happens inbetween ignore it and move on.(especially true when it comes to women)

Your only sexy and attractive if you show the signs they look for. If you dont you will get nothing!

here is just some of the christmas list they want from men:

1. Confidence
2. Character (Personality)
3. Dangerous (Badboy)
4. Adventurous
5. Money
6. Status (Star,president, big profile person)
7. Seductive (Good Lover)
8. Provider
9. Tall
10. Body of Adonis or Fabio if you prefer

If you need more i will provide compare this to what you have and fill in the gaps ....if you love women!

I for one think you are wasting your time!