the long version:
Whats up with the mods closing every single post in morbius?!?!
I find this attitude disgusting and inappropriate. they dont commet it, they dont warn people, they dont give reasons and they dont act like mods imo!

recently a "i dont like the topic or your oppinion" seams to be enough to close things down.

what the hell is wrong with you? has conitec been sold to some north korean company or removed to fucking teheran recently?

morbius should be a place to talk about everything and nothing. and mods going havoc lately hurt this more then all posts that have been locked recently!

I would suggest rethinking the mods policy and the idea of morbius if i were conitec.
"not liking" should not be a terminus here!

dont kill whats the core of the engine: the users interaction here.
there is no unnecessary post at all. if people like to respond to it, then they should be allowed to, even if its just for the fun of it.

the short version:
this sucks!!!!!!!!!

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