i hate to butt in, but i have a suggestion, because attacking checkbutton and hating the moderators is counter-productive. i suggest that we all stop talking about it, and as a community come up with rules for the moderators. there are those of us that have been here for years, and we should be examples for the new members. i dont like to ban or close threads, because i believe in free speech, but when the thread is a blatant attack on another member, i have to act. i personally never try to interfere when someone expresses their opinion on a forum as free as morbius. so if we collectively try to come up with rules for the moderators and adhere to the rules of the community, we will be better for it. after all, JCL didnt make us moderators so we could terrorize the forums or create chaos among us. this is just my opinion, and i hope i dont offend anyone.

My Famous Quotes: "Hip hop is like a virus, infecting everyone and everything around it. Every form of media has some way,shape or form, assimilated hip hop into it." It has also mutated into other strains like, trip hop, house, rap, gangster, and conscious forms. Once you are infected with it, its with you for life."