
The collision detection is terrible. Even though the walls are at least ten quants thick, the ball often goes through them. It doesn't even seem to matter what speed the ball is travelling at.

ROFL. Sorry, not laughing at you, but this is a "classic" 3DGS PE bug/problem. The solution for the time being is to, well, make sure you're balls aren't going fast enough to go through the walls. Also, one thing I found helped me alot was to set the friction of the walls to 0% and elasticity to 100 as well. These "smooth" and "perfectly elastic" walls are less likely to have objects go through them.

Also, I notice you have a 50 "gram" mass(my.mass =.05) for your balls. Again, this is a realistic number, but realistic don't fly to well yet with the PE. Again, to minimize "punching through" a wall, set this mass to at least 10 or 100. Changing your mass won't affect your falling rate as long as you have no drag, so play with that number.(well, rather it shouldn't...i've noticed some discrepancies in this area)


The ball performs better when I use a spherical model. When I try using a sprite, even though I have set it to behave like a sphere, it doesn't. Also, when it gets in a narrow place, it sometimes slows down then speeds up again -not very realistic.

I wouldn't mix 2D and 3D objects for collions. STick to the sphere definitly. The slow down in narrow places may be realistic if you consider that your entity was most likely rubbing up against the walls. Set your wall (or ball. the way the PE does friciton, wont' matter) friction to 0 and see if this still happens.

3DGS PE programming IS fun. It gives you almost immediate results and feedback to your works. Once it's stabilized (ie problems you addresses are taken care of), it will be a singular JOY to work with!