Thanks Marco, it did get frustrating, and I have mailed the level.

The most frustrating problem is that the ball always exits the front as if there were no block in the way. The narrow looking chute walls are fine (they are actually ten quants thick in any case). No matter how thick or thin, whatever size, if visible is set or not, if I move it around, it makes no difference. The front block/blocks is always passable (of course I didn't set it passable, it just is).

It also didn't matter if it was a regular level or a map entity. So I think I've exhausted every test before giving in and sending it to you.

I couldn't get the scale much bigger if I wanted to either. It is already at ten quants to a millimeter. I tried making it even bigger, but all it did was make for a much longer build time, and the ball didn't move as naturally anymore with the increased forces I needed to use on it.


For the balls outside the field just disable physics again: phent_settype(my,0,0); will make my an obstacle for other balls but not move my anymore.

That's what I was thinking of doing. I see there is a bitmask for enabling and dissabling whole groups of physics entities. I was thinking of putting the balls in the basin in a priority queue depending on how close they are to where they enter the machine, and enabling maybe twenty or thirty at a frame from closest to farthest. That way even there are hundreds in the basin they should all keep moving through.

Last edited by A.Russell; 06/05/04 03:43.