Heres a largely fixed version of your code, it turns out that the BIG reason
that every second vertex was zero was purely because there was no wait between
the first vertex-loop and the second.

All other changes Ive made were mostly part of my fault hunting process and can probably be reversed.
Im going to try and do a more "self-contained" and flexible version of this tonight,
but there wont be much of your code left in it Im afraid, cause I will start from scratch,
based on the webpage you sent me, rather than any of your code.
I'll post it here if I have any luck. And if my version gets posted in contributions, I'll credit you.
#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

var dest[20][20];
var source[20][20];

ENTITY* waterent;

PANEL* skeletonpan =
  	pos_x = 0;		pos_y = 0;
	digits( 0,  0, "nexus: %f", "Arial#18b", 1, nexus);
	digits( 0, 20, "tempv: %f", "Arial#18b", 1, tempv);
  	flags =  VISIBLE;

action fluid_action()
	var tempv, iloop, eloop;
	// Initialise arrays
	for(iloop=0; iloop<20; iloop++)
		for(eloop=0; eloop<20; eloop++)
			dest[iloop][eloop] 	 = 0;
			source[iloop][eloop] = 0;

		for(iloop=1; iloop<19; iloop++)
			for(eloop=1; eloop<19; eloop++)
				//perform simulation
				dest[iloop][eloop]  = (source[iloop-1][eloop]+source[iloop+1][eloop]+source[iloop][eloop-1]+source[iloop][eloop+1])/2-dest[iloop][eloop];
				dest[iloop][eloop] *= 0.95;
				vec_to_mesh(vector(0,0,dest[iloop][eloop]), my, iloop*20+eloop+1);
				tempv = source[iloop+1][eloop+1];
		for(iloop=1; iloop<19; iloop++)
			for(eloop=1; eloop<19; eloop++)
				//perform simulation
				source[iloop][eloop]  = (dest[iloop-1][eloop]+dest[iloop+1][eloop]+dest[iloop][eloop-1]+dest[iloop][eloop+1])/2-source[iloop][eloop];
				source[iloop][eloop] *= 0.95;
				vec_to_mesh (vector(0,0,source[iloop][eloop]), my, iloop*20+eloop+1);
				//tempv = source[iloop+1][eloop+1];

function main()
	video_mode = 10;
	video_screen = 1;
	vec_set(camera.x,   vector(0,50,50));
	vec_set(camera.pan, vector(270,-45,0));
	waterent = ent_create("waterent.hmp", nullvector, fluid_action);
			while(key_cuu)	wait(1);

[Off-topic]Im in Wallsend, Newcastle, NSW myself, on the far side of Sydney from you.
So Im not really too far away, Im at work here, but I live in Morisset, a half-hour south.

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