let's create a new MMO!

no, really. Im planning to make a game, not really complex, just enough to be interesting, but i need more ideas, and a good game designer (for the game rules). If he/she is also a good artist, its perfect.
The idea is to develop a game that can be played by a large number of players. Im not sure how to explain it, it is like a RPG or strategy game, in wich a player can attack another one (one to one battles), or attack a place (there is a map, and a player can control a zone, another player can go to the zone and attack his troops or buildings).
There is not fast paced action, it's more like taking turns.
There are long turns (going from place to place, can take a day or so), and fast turns (battle turns, some seconds).
Im planning to use 3DGS as a pretty 3d game interface,
and a web server and a database as backend, with game data and game rules (nobody can cheat).

There are lots of things of the game that i want to talk with this partner, we need to define and test a lot of game rules, creatures or troops, theme, etc,
so if anyone is interested, please send me a reply or a private message.
