learn to quote you incompetend idiot.
besides, what my wife was trying tot ell you was that, its alla point of view. if you look at women complaining, all youll see are women that dislike you.
liek pregnant women all of a sudden realize that there areshitloats of pregnant women everywhere.
they are always there but you just realize it when you feel the same.
its called perception. the samer eason we can never find out the truth. because there is one truth, its what we call a fact, but we will never be able to see it because of perception. we see what we want to see, no matter if youre able to realize this or not.

in the end, i was a happy single, i had truckloads of women, i COULD have trucklaods of women if i wanted, but i prefer my wife because she is better than any other woman.
also, im awesome... that helps...