If I park my car, for example, in a cave for 100 years, then come back to get it 100 years later, will i find a Caddilac or a Mercedez Benz there?

...seriously, how the fuck did you come up with that bullshit? a car is not a living being, therefore it can't evolve. besides, evolution doesn't work within 100 years. for fuck's sake, stop thinking in such short time spans.

and stop calling people who believe in scientific facts "fools". if your opinion differs from others, they're not automatically foolish just because of that. that would be like calling my best friend an idiot for not liking industrial or metal music.

so who made my body? it's simple. by my mom and my dad (please don't tell me that i have to explain the story bout the flowers and the bees to you...) which were created by my grandmother and my granddad and so on and so on... well... "created". you get the idea.

long story short: evolution did. (how foolish i am, dun dun dunnn. why yes, i shall burn in hell.)

Yeah, but... Who is Lu?