Hello all,

I have a slight problem with the sun in the brand new edition A7.7. It's really weird so I am just going to describe what I have:

1) a simple room with the texture skywhite of standard.wad applied to its walls (so "sky" flag)

2) a camera

3) a block in the middle of the room, with the default brick texture with its "shaded" flag on.

When I compile the map with the default settings for the builder, the sun and the ambient settings, I get what I should get: the block nicely lit and shaded by the light of the sun, with the proper color and angle of the sun, sitting in the middle of a room.

But when I change the color of the sun away from the default values of (150,150,150), then the compiler displays the message "no lights, so skip direct lighting", "Radisoity disabled" (this is not a typo btw), and it does not compute any light map: I get the unlit block in the middle of the room.

I did quite a bit of experimenting, and any time I set sun color away from even distribution of red, green and blue (e.g. 0,0,255 or 0,255,255), then I get the same message and no lighting. As long as snulight is a tone of grey, then the cube is lighted with radiosity.

All I see in the manual is a mention about a bug fix where ambient and sun color need to be about the same tone. This does not seem to help here (setting the ambient color does not fix the problem).

What am I doing wrong? Has anybody encountered the same problem? crazy
