Originally Posted By: lostclimate
You are useless... I am useless. In the end everyone is useless.

Actually this is true and discussions like this show that your are right. In many countries situations like this even end in wars, lead by religious people, followed by blind believers. How useful is this?

Our body makes lots of sense and evolution can be seen easily. We dont piss into throusers every day because it helps to get a partner to have a muscle to hold it back. You smell better then. And it helped in the past to mark a terrain or to punish some other beings. It made some sense and still makes.
We have 2 eyes to see 3 dimensions. A third eye did not take advantage but takes more energy, can have infections, needs more maintenance (liquid to keep it clean, lids aso.)
The design is perfect because it was a success.

We needed a better brain because our weapons are too weak. Our teeth are weak, we have no claws, we cannot run very fast. So we had to find some way to get food more efficiently, to store it, to grow vegetables and so on.
A lion does not need a better brain. It would cost him much more energy and the hunting success still would be sufficiently good. It would turn into a disadvantage to be steadily hungry (because of brain draining energy) but not being able to grow some vegetables.

All this makes much sense. So I really dont see why RanMan talks in such an arrogant way about atheists with tons of little vilifications and some grim comments (especially in the first post).

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